Was there talk of a movie about the infamous Irene Garza Murder?

The young beauty queen/schoolteacher was murdered in 1960. Her body was found in a canal on 2nd Street in McAllen, Texas.

Ex-priest John Feit was convicted of killing Miss Garza in 2017. He died in prison in 2020.

Justice was delayed. Was it because of a cover-up involving the Catholic Church and local law enforcement?

The murder case was politicized and resulted in a longtime districted attorney's defeat by a member of a powerful poltical family of South Texas.

Were 'witnesses" "encouraged" to suddenly remember details long forgotten?

Where were these witnesses in the 1970s and 80s?

Why didn't police investigators courageously blow the lid off the cover-up? They did not have the guts to risk their law enforcement careers. Perhaps they went to their graves embittered by their cowardice.

Public Opinion played a part.

What about a witness that said Irene's car was parked near his house later on the evening of her disappearance?

Why was the Police Chief of McAllen, Texas reassigned back in 1960?

Some folks believe the real killer was the man who crashed a small plane into a Catholic church in San Juan, Texas in 1970. He was the only fatality.

Who was Irene Garza's Anglp boyfriend? Back in the Segregated 1960s it was frowned upon to have an Anglo novio.

Plenty of questions and ingredients for a movie.
